Improved product quality – A way forward to decarbonisation

There has been a 20-fold increase in the number of global climate change laws since 1997. According to Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment there are more than 1,200 relevant policies across 164 countries, which account for 95% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Reports indicate that, India is not only on track of emission reduction as per Paris agreement but over achieving the targets. Policies are helping to increase share of renewable energy in total energy mix, also institutions like TERI, BEE and EESL are doing their share of contribution to bring in energy efficient products and services for both individuals and government organisations.

However, as per a study by Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) about three in four of India’s districts are hotspots of extreme climate events such as cyclones, floods, drought, heat and cold waves. Apparently, focus on both supply and demand dimension of the decarbonisation is required to arrest this global calamity. 

Therefore, India need to bring in required attention on the quality and longevity of the products used by both the individuals and institutions, because generally there is no conscious realisation of the energy and material consumption which takes place during the manufacturing of the products.

According to the International Resource Panel, emissions from the production of materials as a share of global greenhouse gas emissions increased to 23 per cent in 2015 from 15 per cent in 1995. More than half of the emissions from materials is from direct material production processes.

India holds 1/6th of total global population and counting and therefore need for transport, food, buying, using and throwing products are more than even before. In the process we are emitting more greenhouse gases, manufacturing more products, extracting raw material, producing more waste, abstracting more water, destroying more forests, habitats and depleting biodiversity.

We all appreciate the fact that earth is a finite planet and still more than half of the civilization is waiting to enjoy the materialism on earth. The population across affluent parts of the globe like North America, Europe and Japan is reducing considerably, however in developing nations population is in upward trend who yet to experience the materialism which they are getting exposed through western civilization.

Rapid growth and globalization has deepened the environmental issues, therefore in addition to decarbonisation at supply side like electricity production etc. it is important to focus on demand side decarbonisation through long lasting products etc.

From last couple of decades, it has been noticed that individuals, companies and even governments are working towards decarbonisation at their own levels. Studies have shown that requirement of steel, no.1 metal for our civilization, is going down every year by 2% per year. Transportation is getting efficient considerably. Aeroplanes are 70% more efficient as compared to planes in 1958.

But consumption of electronic chip is increasing by 35% every year and the way technology is evolving and population is increasing this percentage will keep on increasing. The costs of electrifying the world’s information and communications networks is rising: it claimed nearly 5% of worldwide electricity generation in 2012 and will approach 10% by end of 2020 (Lannoo 2013).

We need to consider ways in which we could reduce environmental impact from product consumption whilst maintaining growth and quality of life. One possible way of doing this is to extend the life of the products that we consume.

The Micro Commercial Components Corp (MCC) life cycle study reports that fabrication of semiconductor circuits on one 150-mm wafer requires 285 kWh of electricity, which corresponds to 1.6 kWh per square centimetre. In addition to electricity, heavy oil, gas, LPG and kerosene are other fossil fuels required in manufacturing of semiconductor.

Now when India is rolling out 250 million smart meters in the electricity circuit therefore we are injecting other set of semiconductor into the system. Moreover, it’s not only meters, smart metering brings set of components like communication infrastructure and also back end servers which are again by-products of semiconductors. 

For ease of calculation consider only one circuit of 150mm wafer per smart meter with 285kWh consumption; than 71.250 GWh (285x 250 x 10kWh) of electricity would be required by 250 million such pieces. Energy cost to produce semiconductors, plastic, dyes etc. yet to be calculated.

Not only on environment, even better quality product has positive impact on the economy as a whole. An empirical analysis done at National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan, focusing on car lifetime extension, reveals that the consumption shifts scenario, representing the case in which household consumption patterns shift from the waste-intensive car to waste extensive services due to a +1.0 year car lifetime extension, contributed to a GDP growth that amounted to approximately +2 billion yen, and consequently compensated for the economic loss from a decline in car production.

The transition from the manufacturing products-intensive society to the service-intensive society caused by the +1.0 year car average lifetime extension, led to a 200 thousand ton-decrease in the waste landfill including the car shredder residuals during the five years of the study period, 1990–1995.

Therefore, to save our environment and also public exchequer from this kind of often repeated expenditure, it is important that we shall enforce product lifetime warranty i.e. at least for 10 years in all government procurement. 

This will not only enforce quality and reliability in all the products but money saved from repeated expenses can be spent on decarbonisation targets for the nation and contribution to entire global issue of climate change. 

References –


Missed call to free call – A journey

On July 31, 1995, mobile telephony began in India at Rs 16.80 a minute peak tariff. Now, most local voice calls are free, a market which has the largest subscriber base in the world after China

1994: NTP allows pvt players in telecom, introduces mobile services. Licences given to firms in four metros

1999: NTP shifts mobile players from fixed licence fee to a revenue-sharing regime

2001: WLL-CDMA allowed

2002: Tariff comes under forbearance. BSNL launches mobile services and Reliance Infocomm CDMA

2004: ‘Calling-party pays’ regime adopted

2006: FDI limit hiked from 49% to 74%

2008: ADC abolished. CDMA players awarded GSM licence and an average of six new operators allowed under first-come-first-served policy

2010: 3G and BWA spectrum auction completed. TATA Docomo launches 3G services

2012: SC cancels 122 licences, Airtel launches 4G LTE services from Kolkata

2013: Unified licensing introduced. Auction of 800 MHz and 1800 Mhz held. FDI increased to 100%

2014: Auction of 1800 and 900 Mhz bands held

2016: Jio launches GSM, makes voice free, pushes data

2017: Jio launches feature phones at rock-bottom price to woo 2G customers

2019: SC directs telcos to pay their AGR dues

2020: Lockdown sees 15% increase in data usage

Source – Business Standard

Smart Metering – An Indian Approach

Let me start with Machiavelli’s quote for the affairs of stateAt the beginning, a disease is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose: but as time passes, not having been treated or recognized at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure”.

Indian power distribution sector is somewhere in between what Machiavelli mentioned and requires immediate attention. After almost 2 decades of interventions and liquidity infusion, distribution sector will still have an accumulated debt worth INR 4.5 trillion [1]by the end of 2020-21, an increase of 30 per cent over last year. Therefore, it is now clear that the perennial and oldest issue of the financial health of the discoms can’t be solved by usual liquidity support, or possible debt relief. It’s time for real radical reforms in the sector and any delay will only escalate these issues..

It is important to understand that results in any institution are driven by skilled people, robust processes and appropriate technology taken together. An analysis of these three dimensions will always determine the most effective areas for intervention.

Also, unexpected occurrence of Covid – 19 pandemic is a situation for which no one, especially power distribution sector, was ready. The pandemic is causing distress not only due to reduced demand and sales but also because of higher costs for cleaning supplies, health care, testing and temperature checks, personal protection equipment, and supplies to enable employees to work. The pandemic has also increased other costs like uncollectible or bad-debt and associated working capital expense caused by some customers’ inability to pay bills. But at the same time discoms need to modernize and upgrade their infrastructure today more than ever—they need to future-proof themselves and ensure enhanced operational efficiencies and improved resilience.

However, demand uncertainty/softening and weakening finances are likely to impact the discom’s ability to undertake investments in modernization initiatives. Therefore, Government of India’s’ idea of inviting private sector participation to invest and improve distribution sector is an apt step towards structural reforms.

Ministry of Power, Government of India has paved the way for the reforms through electricity amendment bill 2020 and amendments to tariff policy where it was clearly indicated at many instances that reforms to improve the operational efficiency and reduce AT&C losses would entail:

  1. Implementation of smart prepaid metering
  2. Rationalization of tariffs
  3. Reduction in cross subsidies
  4. Promotion of open access
  5. Direct benefit transfer of subsidies

All the above mentioned reforms could be  derivative of intelligence drawn from the huge amount of timely data collection achieved through smart prepaid metering and its right implementation.

Full PDF – Smart Metering – An Indian Approach

[1] As per Crisil Ratings report.

Electrification of 5 Trillion Dream!

The electrifying message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, of making India USD 5 trillion economy by 2024 definitely propel “current” and contribution of each of 1.2 billion citizens is must . Modi very rightly pointed out that states have to work on good governance and thinking out-of-the-box ideas with innovative service delivery methods will bring much needed results.

With the theme for 2019-20 as ‘Competitiveness of India Inc – India@75: Forging Ahead’, power is the bedrock of India’s economic growth and prosperity. 

Building electricity infrastructure and providing connections is a one-time effort which was achieved through concerted drives. To achieve near universal electrification, the maximum resources of the state and central governments were deployed, and when needed, deployed at different locations, during different periods of time.

Rs 55,000 crore has gone into creating electricity infrastructure and providing connections in the last 15 years but power sector availed and especially distribution sector reaped sub optimal benefits from these massive public investment.

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent nationwide lock down, has imposed a fresh set of challenges for the sector, particularly to the distribution sector.

Now when almost every household has been connected to grid, it’s very crucial to think, understand and implement the correct steps so that country shall not get into patch work after huge investment.

There are 3 dimensions to improve operational efficiency in any institution, skilled people, effective processes and efficient technology. This is the time to focus on making people good and processes effective to reap the benefit of efficient technology

People Dimension:

  1. Employee centric HR policies for discoms officials. Employee centric involves right mapping of key responsibility area and compensation. Focus on regular up-skilling of employees.
  2. Longevity of tenure of top/middle management, this will help to improve the ownership and accountability within the system.
  3. Change in referring “consumers” (people who use a service) to “customers” (people who pay for receiving a service) will improve the basic psychology.

Process Dimension:

  1. Improve the processes towards achievement of core business objective and setting up accountability.
  2. Develop efficient procurement strategies and models:
    1. Vendor to Partner: Transition from fundamental thought process of considering supplier not as a vendor but as a partner.
    2. Individual Tenders to Turnkey Tender: ICT has connected everything and electrical system is no away. Therefore, systems approach is vital to maximizing customer return on investment. This brings to the concept of one turnkey project tenders rather than individual product tenders. Breaking one system into pieces will definitely lead to less costly products but efficient and effective output will always remain questionable. Country has already experienced the same in past.  
    3. Break the concept of L1: Focus on meeting the project objectives and also give roadmap to innovation which is very difficult to come with fundamentals of lowest bidder. Therefore, develop a robust framework for procurement to ensure cost effective high quality products while considering lifecycle investment.
    4. Customer (Consumer) Centric Policies: Process to ensure effective and transparent disbursement of electricity subsidy to farmers like Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). Bring in more awareness about Standards of Performance (SoP) regulations, this will help to improve trust and confidence on Discoms.

Technology Dimension:

  1. Technology is an enabler and will empower both people and process dimensions to reach their respective summit in improving overall health of the discoms, therefore Selection and deployment of right (यथा योग्य) technology is utmost important for maximizing operational efficiency of Discoms. Investing in basic prepayment functions will help discoms to improve the collection efficiency. Communication technology is one of the most evolving field and its effectiveness and efficiency depends on kind of project, demographical landscape, sociology and geographical area, therefore testing and research would be required before opting for one.
  2. Develop mobile and web applications to help in keeping consumers informed about their consumption patterns, bill payment details, outage schedules, emergency contacts, energy efficiency measures, and where to lodge complaints etc.
  3. Leverage financial technology like payment gateways, mobile wallets and mobile banking to pay bills anytime from anywhere.
  4. Develop publicly available knowledge bank where experiences and learning can be collated for others. A standardized framework can be developed, answering WHY, WHAT and HOW of the project like technology used, objectives achieved, geographical area catered etc. 
  5. Measurement and improvement in power quality is the next step after 100% electrification. It needs focused & considerable efforts as ensuring quality of supply is a long-term commitment and not one time job.

It is well established that till the power distribution sector improves, upstream investments will not lead to reliable and quality power supply. Also, The financial state of this industry is such that unless urgent action is taken, the nation’s banking sector too would need a huge bailout from taxpayers’ money.

Electricity is one of the drivers for India’s dream to $ 5 trillion economy and we need to focus on granular monitoring, high-quality supply, better customer service and greater revenue realization at the household level and only such a comprehensive effort will ensure that India move towards financially strong discoms which further lead to overall betterment of sector and support to fulfill the dream.